Upper Zakum artificial islands

The Zakum Development Company (ZADCO) identified the need to construct additional facilities in order to increase oil production to 750,000 barrels per day from the Upper Zakum Field. Based on site conditions and production/facility requirements, ZADCO elected to construct four artificial islands to meet this need. Each island was proposed to be approximately 35 hectares except the central ”M” island that was proposed to be approximately 70 hectares. Drilling equipment, port facilities, accommodation units and ancillary facilities would then be constructed on the artificial islands.

This was the first major oil & gas reclamation programme in UAE, involving the four artificial islands for ZADCO’s UZ750 expansion programme.

National Marine Dredging Company (NMDC) was selected as the Design/Build Contractor.

Scope of work: Project Management Consultant. That encompassed to manage the project and ensure that the islands were designed and constructed in accordance with the specifications and within the agreed schedule and budget.






Project Director


2010 – 2012