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CoMarEng Advisory is an engineering consultancy providing strategic advice on marine and coastal development projects. With more than 30 years’ experience in research and consultancy projects executed around the globe, CoMarEng adds particular value to the early stages of project development, i.e. planning, feasibility and concept design, and to the early identification and mitigation of project risks.

At CoMarEng flexibility, innovation and ability to deal with complex projects in the marine environment are at the forefront. These drivers are underpinned by a solid research experience married with many years practical consultancy experience gained, at times, in challenging environments.

The company is registered in Portugal under the trade name COMARENG ADVISORY, LDA.

Purpose: To provide strategic advice and risk management for ports, marine and coastal developments.

Vision: To be recognised as a small, independent and high-quality advisor for complex projects in the marine environment

Values: Clients first, agility and flexibility, integrity and high-quality work


Jesper Svarrer Damgaard is the Owner and Director.  

Over the course of 30 years he has worked on more than 60 consultancy projects and around ten research projects within the fields of coastal and marine engineering.  Originally specialised in hydrodynamics sediment transport at the Institute of Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering (ISVA) at DTU, he later branched out to perform engineering design jobs and studies for port, coastal and offshore projects.  Jesper has worked in Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Some of the projects are shown on the Projects page.  

Publications:   He has authored or co-authored 14 peer reviewed journal papers and more than 30 conference papers.

Portrait of CoMarEng Director
Jesper S. Damgaard


Oceanus Coastal Engineers LLP is an Indian specialist consultant that provides high quality technical as well as commercial advice to clients in the Maritime, River and Coastal Infrastructure sector.

Oceanus’ staff has a wealth of specialist marine, coastal and environmental expertise, gained through various niche consultants, such as HR Wallingford and DHI.
