Marine Terminals & Jetties

Marine Terminals & Jetties

CoMarEng has strong experience and capability in screening, planning and design of import/export marine terminals and jetties for LNG, other hydrocarbons, minerals and metals import/export, coal and grain. 

This includes both the marine structures and the bulk materials handling systems or pipelines on the superstructure. The core expertise is in the early phases of the process, namely screening studies including site identification, pre-feasibility, hydrodynamic forcing studies, forces on structures, mooring studies, scour assessments and sketch or concept design. 

Services can also cover the superstructure (e.g. pipelines, conveyor belts, roads, loading arms). For those elements CoMarEng can draw upon a network of experts in mechanical, electrical and instrumentation engineering.

The services offered include:

  • Siting and screening studies
  • Technical due diligence
  • Risk management
  • Scour assessments
  • Sketch design and high-level cost estimates