Tangguh LNG
BP and partners developed the large Tangguh LNG project in Berau Bay, in remote western Papua. The gas reserves were discovered in the mid-1990s by Atlantic Richfield Co. (ARCO). The initial development consisted of upstream elements: the gas extraction platforms in the Wiriagar and Vorwata fields, and the pipelines; and downstream elements: the liquefaction plant itself and the associated marine facilities, including an LNG export jetty and auxiliary wharves. Berau Bay is characterised by being a highly dynamic marine environment with extreme tidal variations, large currents and highly mobile sand wave field. Furthermore the area is seismically active.
The scope of work included:
• General bay morphology
– hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of entire estuary
– sandwave dynamics
• Pipeline route characteristics
– trench infill
– liquefaction risk
– scour potential
– pipeline protection options
• LNG tanker route dredging requirements
• Re-visit nearshore causeway impact
Project executed while Jesper Damgaard was employed by HR Wallingford.