LNG Screening Study
BG was evaluating the feasibility of developing an LNG import terminal in Thailand. The terminal would use imported LNG to supplement existing natural gas supplies, to help meet a growing gas demand in Thailand. An assessment of potential locations had been made to identify possible locations for a LNG import terminal.
The project was at the feasibility stage and encompassed the following elements:
• An LNG receiving terminal including jetty, storage tank(s) and vaporisation facilities. The LNG terminal will have an estimated capacity of 3 to 5 MTPA
• A land area of around 15 to 20 hectares dependent on location but sufficient to enable future expansion and prevent adjacent encroachment.
• Marine access channel, turning basin and weather protection if required.
Scope of work:
• Assessment of dredging requirements at each of the three potential sites,
• Structural sketch design of the jetty/trestle and +/- 40% cost estimates.