
King Abdullah Economic City - waterfront developments

EMAAR and the Saudi government were planning to develop the $26 billion King Abdullah Economic City, north of Jeddah on the Red Sea coast. The development would stretch over 55 million square metres of greenfield land, encompass 35 km of shoreline and generate 500,000 new jobs. In addition to the large, world-class container port (see separate project reference) there would industrial areas, residential areas, commercial areas, parks, museums, mosques and utility generation plants. The development would be adjacent to pristine coral reefs and mangroves. The built-up area would be intersected with canals.

The scope of work included forming part on the initial masterplanning team and provide input on all marine and coastal issues, such as coastal processes, establishment and protection of beaches, avoidance of damage to natural habitats, edge treatments, water quality in canals and approach to marinas.


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




Project Manager and Coastal Engineer
